Just Another Dump

PHOTO PROMPT:  Copyright – Sandra Crook

PHOTO PROMPT: Copyright – Sandra Crook

This is ridiculous! Just look at this garbage. Seriously, man, people simply have no care for nature. What kind of world are they planning to leave for the next generation?

So true, man. This is unbelievable. Just look at this plastic! This will take forever to disappear!

The world sucks man! A bunch of inconsiderate people, who just don’t care about the future. No wonder the world is so polluted. Some day even the rivers will have stopped. We need to do something.

Yeah! Mark and John crossed the bridge, tossing their own two plastic bottles onto the heap.

A 100 Word short story written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Also, as was working on this, tied up in around 10 minutes. Part of the Daily Post’s Prompt Theme: Ready, Set, Done!

About asarpota

Like to fly, but at the same time, quite on the ground, and do tend to be realistic. Very passionate about what I believe in and do, no patience with idiots, not a perfectionist, but trying to come close to it.... Not a nerd btw, value my friends very much, can criticize and have the b***s to take it on my chin. A spade is a spade!!!
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9 Responses to Just Another Dump

  1. empeck says:

    You’ve captured the attitude of way too many people very well in this little story. These two guys are a classic example of actions speaking louder than words.

    Well done!


  2. good moral story… I agree with all the others’ comments except to say that your protagonists talked as well as tossed a lot of trash. Randy


  3. It’s so easy to talk, not always so easy to do. Nice story.


  4. hafong says:

    You’ve got it right about why we are where we are. For some people it is all talk.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Rajesh,

    There’s a pair who truly care about their environment. Not. Love the tongue in cheek tone to this piece. Well done.



    Liked by 1 person

  6. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Asparota,

    Have you ever read The Fan Man, by William Kotzwinkle? You might like it. good story.




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